Heat the canola oil in a 3 quart saucepan to 350°F (use a candy thermometer).
Note: Work in batches, 1 plantain at a time. Each plantain equals 1 serving.
Peel and slice the plantain into 1 inch pieces, keeping each plantain batch separate from each other.
Place all the slices from one plantain in the cooking oil and cook until they turn a golden color, about 4-6 minutes. You do not want them to turn brown.
Remove the slices to a plate with a paper towel to drain. Let them cool a little.
Put 3 cloves of garlic and 1 teaspoon of salt in a mortar or mixing bowl. Smash the garlic to make a paste. Remove the garlic paste to a small bowl.
Note: You can do this step while the plantains are cooking.
Note: If you would like a milder garlic flavor, use only 1 or 2 cloves.
Pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil into the mortar or bowl and add the fried plantain slices. Mash the plantains. When the pieces are about halfway mashed, add 1 tablespoon of stock (chicken or vegetable), 1 teaspoon salt, and the garlic paste.
Crumble a handful of pork rinds and add that to the mortar or bowl and mash into the plantains.
Add the remaining 1 tablespoon of stock and mash thoroughly.
Remove the mofongo to a small glass or ceramic bowl that has been coated with some oil. Press it down to pack it. Turn the bowl over and use a spatula if needed to slide the mofongo onto a plate.
Repeat this process for all four plantains.
Garnish with fresh cilantro.
If you wish to add a more authentic spin to your mofongo, add about a handful of pork rinds to step number 6 while you are mashing the plantains.